Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Still Social Distancing

While I am awaiting the backing for my Quarantine quilt, I decided to start a new project.  I saw this picture online and was amazed.  It is a Bonnie Hunter pattern called Wild and Goosey but Patti Aubin created this amazing setting for it.
The little blocks are supposed to measure 3" finished and are paper pieced. I've done one paper pieced quilt and thought, ok - why not?  I had to look up a youtube video on how to do it.  It had been a while since I had used that technique.  I had Bonnie's book with the pattern but I discovered when I tried to copy the template, my printer would not copy it exactly the correct size. I worked all day on the settings, and could not get it right.  I finally enlarged them to fit my printer page, which made them 3 1/4" finished and decided that was close enough.  I don't think I'll have problems improvising the rest to match that size.

So, after a couple of half days work.....

I actually have the 16 small blocks as shown in the one large block (of 18 needed), I completed 5 more.  I was thinking I'd give myself a year or two to complete this quilt, but it seems to be going faster than I thought.  And I have to say, I am enjoying the tiny little paper pieced blocks.  My points have never been this good!

Made a new yummy dish tonight.  Spinach, pineapple, cheese, chicken, and a dressing made from a little mayo and pineapple juice.  It was good.
And can't forget to post this great photo.  My DIL took this when she and granddaughter Emma went for an evening bike ride. This is a good candidate to frame, I think.
Hope you are doing ok while you are still social distancing.


Jan said...

I love paper piecing! Accuracy has never been that easy. My only problem is that I can't seem to get the rhythm of chain piecing and find that I do one block at a time. Still, it works for me.

We are, of course, social distancing. In PA, we are on shelter at home until at least May 8. I don't mind the lockdown, but I DO hate not seeing the g-kids. My daughter-in-law will come and park in the drive and I stand on the porch a few times a week and My youngest son and wife facetime every evening so I can see his son.

I haven't been able to see my 88 year old mother in more than a month. We talk daily, but I need a hug!

Stay home, stay safe, say healthy!

Rachel said...

HI Jan, I too, can just do one block at a time, but I am really enjoying it. My grands are in England, so that opens up so many worries at this time. Just hoping they get back later this summer when my son's job ends. I'm sure if you are used to seeing them, it is hard! Hope your mom is doing ok, that too, has got to be so hard and lonesome for older folks. Well, it is hard on everyone. Staying busy helps! Thanks for stopping by!