Sunday, July 16, 2017


Life is good.  Sometimes difficult but always good.  I have so much to be thankful for.  This summer has really been a roller coaster, but seems to be settling down some now.  I've gotten in some long runs, we've started the estimate process for possibly a new home on a lot we purchased in the spring, I was able to visit with my grand babies, and I've finally gotten back into quilting. It's all good and I am so very thankful.

As I was laying out the big kaleidoscope quilt, I couldn't help but think how awesome a bigger quilting studio is going to be!  I've always been happy with my quilting space although it is tight quarters.  Now that I am allowing myself to think about the possibility of a bigger space, I can't help  getting excited.

Here is the progress on my big quilt.....the final layout inspired by Bruce Seeds' "The Ring" one block wonder quilt.
 The progress.  Fourteen of 26 vertical rows put together.  Still quite a bit of work to do before it will be bed ready.

In other news, I got word a week or so ago that a little hexagon trial size baby quilt I made is going to be published in Easy Quilts summer 2018 issue.  Getting published is always exciting.  Any of you readers made a One Block Wonder quilt?  I know they were very popular a few years ago.  I'm just late getting on the bandwagon.

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