Saturday, August 17, 2019

Canning and Sewing

I purchased some yummy jam from Costco a few weeks ago.  It was a peach, apricot, mango, and orange with bits of fruit, organic, and very good.  Made in Provence, France.  I decided I wanted to try to make my own.  Bought the fruit, and scoured the web looking for a good recipe.  I found several and I actually didn't follow just one, but combined a few recipes.  I started with this one.

However, I added apricots, and after cooking it a while, then added the sugar, a split vanilla bean, a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, and about a teaspoon of vanilla flavoring while it cooked.  After I let it boil about 30 minutes, I put in the Sure-Gel, ladeled it up and processed it for 10 minutes. It was so good, I actually thought it was better than what I had purchased.  And it looks so pretty!  I'd really like to make some more.

Spent some time working on my latest scrap quilt.  And worked on a new quilt project for a 2020 magazine.  It's going to be really special.

 And finished the day relaxing in my favorite chair.  I love this spot in our home.  So very thankful we were able to build this year.

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