Saturday, July 20, 2019

Scrappy Quilt Finish

I worked hard yesterday getting all the quilting and binding done on this one.
 I did have to purchase a lot of white, but all the rest is from my scraps.
 I recently resorted my scraps by color in small shoebox style plastic, see-thru boxes. It seems to be a great way to have them sorted and be able to see them easily.
 I like nothing better than scrap quilts.
 There is something frugal about them, and always colorful.  At least mine are, because I use every...single....type....and.....color.....of....fabric.
 As you can see, if you look close enough.  There is even some children's fabric included.
Did any of you take advantage of the amazon Prime Day?  I did.  After a friend at work told me how much she loved her Roomba, I decided to give one a try.  Our floors are darker in this house than our old one, and they do show more dirt.  And we have a cat.  Who sheds. A lot.

Well, actually, I am amazed at all it picked up and continues to pick up.  Mostly cat fur, but lots of other crumblies and such.  This may be gross to many of you, but the scientist in me loves a good technical workhorse of a device. First pic was the first time it was used.  Yuck!

 I ran it yesterday and decided to run it again today.  I couldn't believe how much it picked up today.  I noticed there were a few spots it missed yesterday, but it seemed to catch most of them today.
 We got the Roomba 690, which can be operated by a phone app.  It doesn't however, show you the map of where it actually travelled.  The 900 series does that but it costs much more $$$. On the app this one keeps up with the time for each job and the number and time of all the vacuum jobs. Yes, I am very happy with it.  It also finds its way back to the recharging device. Amazing.

Back to quilting.  Once the scrappy quilt was done I started working on a gift quilt.  I don't know what I was thinking when I picked this pattern.  Beautiful sure, but so many little pieces. It is a free pattern I found online by Sandra Clemons.

I purchased a fat quarter bundle in some soft colors and some dark coral/red for the centers.  I think I have seven blocks made.  Only 49 more to go!
 It's not been all work around here.  The hubby and I went to our local McDonal's the other night for a dipped cone.  Yum.  This is a great dessert for only $1.50 each.  Of course it's probably 500 calories, or more.

My son and his family are now living in Cambridge, England. However, they were excited to travel back to Edinburgh last weekend for the wedding of a friend.  I'm so thankful they send me pictures.
See Elijah's kilt?  I love it.  His friend was married in his as well.  They both graduated together last year, and were two of several of the graduates of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland to wear kilts.

Goodness I miss these people.  They have been abroad for five years now.  Hopefully only one more and they will return to the U.S. for good.  It is my prayer, and hopefully the Lord's will for their lives.


Kathy S. said...

The scrappy stars are gorgeous! I am a scrappy quilter as well. I have an older Roomba. It's at least 20 years old. It does not return to the charger. It still works great. Happy quilting!

Kimberly said...

What is the name of the scrappy quilt pattern?

Kimberly said...

I love it by the way! :)

Rachel said...

Kathy, I had no idea the Roombas have been around that long! We are late getting in this game!

Kimberly, Thanks! The pattern is Idyllic by Corey Yoder.