Monday, June 8, 2020

Progress and Birds

Progress first.  So many little squares.
 I have the first eight on-point rows sewn together, but it's only about 24" wide. Looks like I'll need a lot more rows to make it at least 70-75" wide, and about 80" long.  I'll be adding more in the middle, and lengthen the ones I have up.  So, it's crooked because a few rows are sewn, some blocks are sewn, but most are just little squares put up there, rather haphazardly.
Now for the birds.  I have an ongoing love/hate relationship with the birds in our front yard. I love to hear them and see them but....last year they built a mud nest on the inside boards of our front porch.  The hubs begged me to let them live there until the birds hatched, grew, and flew away.  I did, and it was a massive bird/mud poop mess.  I told him never again.  This year, they built a nest in one of my hanging ferns.  Again, he begged for me to let them live there.  I caved.  Again, a massive bird poop mess in the pot and on the porch.  Today I found a nest in the other hanging fern. I took it out, and proceeded to put it in one of the crepe myrtle trees in the yard, away from the porch. Hubs was not happy. I had to draw the line.
I showed the nest to my neighbor who said to be sure and wash good, because the nest can house lice.  Eek!  Another friend told me about the diseases in bird poop.  Sorry hubs, but there will be no bird nests on our porch. I will admit that I was praying later that the momma would find the nest.  I am afraid she won't :(

1 comment:

Jan said...

We have a bird next (complete with babies) on the roller of our sunsetter awning. They are noisy and poopy and I can't wait for them to leave!