Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Northern Lights

 I wanted to show what the Northern Lights looked like from our home, yes, our home in Tennessee! I've always wanted to see the Aurora Borealis but never thought I would.  But thanks to the solar storm that reached earth a few weeks ago, we were able to see the beautiful night sky of colors. This was the evening of May 10, 2024.  I could just barely see the colors with the naked eye. My iPhone captured the colors more vividly.

I wanted to add this one.  Not mine, but one someone took at Cade's Cove, a popular park near Townsend, TN.
Some of my local friends captured gorgeous photos!

Let's throw in this pic of my hair journey.  Two and a half years growing from a short pixie cut.
And a few of our special pup.  She loves to hold your hand while driving.

My two favorites......
And let's finish off this post with a quilt! I had a windowpane quilt in this same spot I made about 15 years ago. It had faded a lot so I decided to make up another.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Those are great photos! Thank goodness for iPhones, right? Your windowpane quilt looks perfect on the bricks. Your hair is so lovely, congratulations! Mine was shoulder length but getting damaged from highlighting, so I had to get it cut. It is not even chin-length now, and I miss the length. I am starting all over growing it! Your favorites are both quite handsome. :)