I saw this on a YouTube video and just had to try it. My sewing room upstairs gets pretty hot in the summer time, unless we keep the AC on "ice" downstairs. You use 1 1/2" ID PVC pipe pieces, a five gallon bucket with lid, either a form styrofoam bucket liner (I couldn't find one), or other insulation, a small desk type fan, and frozen water in a gallon milk jug.
Use a 2 1/4" circular drill bit to cut the holes (easy).
Then I used the rolled foam to put a few layers inside. I think I did three, then another three layers above that. Taped them together to hold them in place with duct tape. I also put 5-6 layers in the bottom. I cut the insulation around the holes and then sealed up around the holes with the duct tape. (easy)
You cut a hole in the lid of the bucket to fit the fan. This was difficult. I used a utility knife but it took some time and was hard to do. Drop in your gallon of frozen water and wallah!
It said "make a $454 air conditioner for $15"....well, not exactly. The air blowing out isn't as cold as an air-conditioner but it is cool. My cost for everything was $34 tax included. It was about $5 for the bucket and lid, $2 for the PVC, $10 for the fan, $9 for the circular bit, and $6 for the foam insulation. My friend thought a styrofoam minnow bucket might work too in place of the styrofoam bucket liner and may be easier to find, especially this time of year. I turned it on last night around 9, and ran it until about 2-3 am. When I turned it on this morning around 8:30, I noticed the air was still cool. The ice had hardly melted, so I think my insulation may have worked better than the styrofoam bucket liner.
So, there you have it! I do plan to use it upstairs or for the hubby in his boat garage in the summer.
Update: I've had it on upstairs for a few hours. It really isn't cooling very much. It might help in a very small room, maybe 10x10 or smaller. I can tell it won't be of much help in the hubby's garage.
Well, I've been thinking about this....I've got a few ideas to improve it. Stay tuned...