Saturday, April 22, 2023

Spring 2023

 Not a lot of quilting has been going on since the last post.  Just too busy! The grands are both playing soccer, so that's practice twice a week and games on Saturday.  They are having fun and we know our time is short with them before they move in about 6 weeks, so we don't mind the busyness.  It will be all too quiet around here once they are gone.

So, here are some pics of today's adventures.  Started off with soccer but I didn't get any pictures.  They played their best friend's teams.  Next Papaw took them for pancakes at the annual pancake breakfast to benefit the Lions' Club.

After that, there was a boat ride.  All I heard was "faster, faster!"  And even though it was rather cold, we stopped by the local marina for some ice cream.

Next was some play time at the park while Papaw got the boat hooked back up to the trailer.
And back home for some fun and games with Puzzle.  She adores these children, but really she loves all children, and for that matter she loves everyone!
And while I'm sharing photos, I need to add some from Easter.  The kids, and their parents came by for some photos on their way to the other grandparents for Easter dinner.

My brother and sister-in-law came to eat with us, along with a widowed childhood friend and a neighbor. We all enjoyed a simple meal and good fellowship.
I finally got the new lavender quilt blocks made, but they still aren't put together.
I hope to custom quilt this one.  Next week we are going to the Paducah Quilt Show to meet up with some long time friends. It will be a fun time and I hope I return with some new ideas and fabric.

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