Saturday, January 22, 2022

Fishing Trip, hair, reading, kids......

 The hubby is on a fishing trip to Florida for the next few days.  I'll miss him but I also enjoy the alone time.  Usually I do a project while he is gone, but I am not that into projects right now.  I am wanting to concentrate on getting in some good runs. I've been running way too much in the house. I mean, it works, gets my heart rate up, and I don't have to get out in the cold, but it is easier and I worry I am not really getting the same workout as outside, so I've tried to do longer ones inside. Did a nice 6.3 recently in honor of my 63rd birthday tomorrow.

 I also would love to finish a quilt while he is gone, although that is probably unlikely to happen.  I kept the kids last night and we had a great time.  We play chase around the house, build legos, watch youtube videos of lots of things, eat, and just enjoy the time together.  There is always some shenanigans going on!

They love pesto pasta, and both had second helpings! It is so good and really easy to make.

Not sure if I put it out here, but I am growing my hair out long (longer) after having it in a very short style for about 17 years.  Yep, at age 63, think I will try to have some long curly, grey hair.  Those curls are CRAZY.
And on this side, I have a big fuzzy patch.  Just fuzz, no curls. Oh well.
Been learning how to use clips and headbands to keep it under a bit of control. Somedays it looks pretty good.  Others, not so much.

And I'll just throw this one out there.......age 40 and age 63. Two good hair

For the first time in about 15 years, I finally won the bet.....almost every year I've told the hubby I was going to grow it out, and he would say "bet you $5 you can't do it" and until this year, I never could do it.
I don't know how long I'll let it grow.... but for now it's my current project.  :)

I'm also "reading" a great historical book right now.  It is a biography of Churchill.  He was an amazing leader, with passion, intellect, multiple interests including painting, butterflies, science, etc. It is an audible book (50 hours!!) and I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to stick with it if I were turning pages.  But, honestly, I listen to it all the time -- while sewing, running, driving, cooking...

I love to read true stories of bravery, overcoming great odds, anything historical.  If you can stick with this one it is truly a great book.


Anonymous said...

Your hair is gorgeous! She were beautiful when you were younger and even more so now. You are an inspiration to many.

Rachel said...

Thank you!