
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hysterectomy Recovery

Today, I actually felt great.  After a trip to the ER with a diagnosis of a little pleurisy, and the prescribed 6 days of steroids, today was the first day I can really say that I feel good.  I am sure I overdid it today.....sure of it.....I tried to do things slow but was just so hyper it was difficult, I swept the porch, did a couple loads of laundry, hung some things on the clothes line, emptied the dishwasher, walked to the mailbox, went upstairs a couple of times, paced the floor while I talked on the phone did a few things which included sitting outside and working on my cathedral window for a bit, and watching a little TV.

I have a nickname my husband gave me years ago, "Randall," mostly because I am a huge tomboy (can be rough and uncouth) but also because I am always into some kind of project and don't mind getting dirty, and am somewhat hyper.  I say Randall is my alter ego.  My friend told the hubby that Rachel on steroids will be like Randall to the 10th power.  Lol, we got a kick out of that.  But I think she was right.  I was up at 6:15 after not much sleep, and have been at it all day.  My back is telling me now I've done too much. I think I'll take a shower, and a pain pill, and go to bed early.

Oh yeah, the best news is that when I saw the doctor this week because of the chest pain (pleurisy) he read me the final pathology reports of all the "goods" that were removed.  No cancer.  None. Nil. I asked him what he thought of this whole deal.  He said he didn't really know what to think of it.  Initial ultrasound indicated a problem, as well as the post-menopausal bleeding, and other symptoms I had.  First uterine biopsy yielded a small patch of cancer cells.  Second and third biopsy's - nothing.  Final hysterectomy nothing. And when the uterus was removed, it looked normal, not like it looked on the ultrasound.  His only thought was that the initial blind biopsy picked up the only bad cells.  I know what happened.  Me and many others were praying between the first biopsy and the others, and God showed me mercy.  I am so thankful.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad all is well with you! And isn't God so good to us by listening to our prayers and answering them! What a great testament to Gods' great healing power. So happy for you. Big hug!
