
Sunday, March 11, 2012

First Outing Since Surgery

Today was the first time I've been out of the house since my surgery.  I went to a baby shower.  It was for my dear friend's daughter-in-law.  I got to give her the quilt I had made her new baby and also give sweet Brittany the quilt I made out of Chase's clothes.

Kandi got some beautiful new things for little Kylie Shields, her third child, who will be making her arrival in a couple of weeks.

I think I did fine.  It felt good to be out especially on such a beautiful day.  I did come home and rest on the bed for a couple of hours afterward.  I think I must have had my expectations a bit too high for my recovery.  From all I've read (lots from the Hystersisters site) I think I am progressing normally. Resting just isn't something that comes naturally to me.  I like to be busy!


  1. I'm so glad you are doing so well! I've been praying for you. I'm sure the outing was refreshing even though a bit tiring. Hang in there and be sure to take it slow. You will have plenty to do once you are back to full speed. :)

  2. Can't wait to put Kylie's quilt and pillow in her crib! Love it! Thank you so much for coming and taking time to make this.

  3. I can't begin to thank you enough for the my beautiful quilt! I can't put it down! It has become mine and Isaiah's prized possession. When he saw it he got happy tears in his eyes. What a beautiful remembrance of my sweet baby Chase. Thank you so much for your sweet ministry. You are such a special lady.
