I've continued to make bags. I gave ten away, then sold another 9 or 10 with the proceeds going to our local food pantry, Hands of Mercy.
I love the little backpack purse in the above picture. I kept it and use it a lot.After getting my fill of bags, I found a free stocking pattern online by Fancy That Design House. I loved it when I saw it and decided to make a couple. Well, two turned to three, then to five, and I stopped at six!
The kids got to come for a visit the week of Thanksgiving. We took them to the Comedy Barn, and they loved it!
While they were here we all did a Turkey Trot 5k. The kids' first one and they did great!
Emma and I had matching hairdo's one day. :)Lots of playing outside.....every......single.......day. Very thankful we had good weather the whole week they were here.
Time to get out all the Christmas quilts.
Puzzle with her new toy, and her daddy.......
Pose for a treat, Puzzle!!
I recently learned how to make cranberry juice. Easy, peasy, and tastes so good with sparkling water.
Today was a busy day, making bread, Christmas Jam, chex mix, and potato soup.
......And I did finish a quilt recently. This was a memory quilt made for a widow friend, out of her husband's shirts. He passed in August, and I wanted her to have it before Christmas. A great, quick pattern for a lap size quilt. Tried a new quilting pattern and I really like it.
What a lovely post. Those bags - oh my goodness you have such mad skills! Thanks for the tip about the pretty Christmas stockings - I just downloaded the pattern. I have Christmas stockings, but I LOVE these! Your grands are so cute, looks like they had a great time. Puzzle is adorable. The Christmas photo of you and your hubs is wonderful!