
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Voice of the Children 5K

I have a running blog, Lateliferunner, but since I print this blog each year, if there is anything I want to remember, I put it here. Two work friends and I ran a 5K this morning. Proceeds went to support a children's home in Haiti. The young man who organized it is the son of my favorite dental hygienist.

My friend, in green, and I took first place in our age groups. She is incredible. She just started with the couch to 5K app about a year ago and at age 62 can run a 5K in 30 minutes! I'm quite a bit slower than that. Because it was a small race, there weren't many in our age groups. Guess that is one good thing about getting older, you don't have a lot of competition when it comes to running.


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