
Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I admit it. I am an obsessive list maker. But the truth is I love making lists, and I love marking things off my list. I've even been known to put things on my list just so I can mark them off. Evidently I am not alone....there are least three of my coworkers the same way.

I've started my list for my staycation in June. I get so excited thinking of ten days off from work and all the things I will get to accomplish. No major projects planned this year but hopefully a lot of sewing, cleaning, and organizing. Oh yeah, and I plan to make my own DIY air conditioner. Hint: a five gallon bucket, PVC, small electric fan. Google it. Can't wait to try it. My sewing room is upstairs where the summer heat rises.

I also made up my next half marathon training plan. I used Jeff Galloway's run/walk method but stretched it out from now till November. I hope to do one half marathon at the first of November and another at the end of November. Hopefully I can progress so slow and easy the knee won't give me any trouble.

Lists keep me on track and help me to accomplish my goals. Are any of you list makers?


1 comment:

  1. You are definitely my sister! I do the same thing!
