
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Is it burn-out?

I wonder if any other quilters have felt this way. I am afraid that I am experiencing quilting burnout. You see since April 2007, when I first started quilting, I've made 139 quilts. That is a lot. That is passion. Of those, I've given away 96, then I chuckle when trying to figure out where the other 43 are?? I don't have that many on my beds. I suppose a lot of those are the smaller wall hanging, table cover quilts.

Anyway....I am having trouble working on my latest.

I love the pattern, the scrappiness of it, the fact that I am using fabric scraps I have, but still.....I am finding it hard to work on it. This is the first time since 2007 that I haven't made at least one quilt a month. Here it is May and I have only one finish this year.

Have any of you quilters out there experienced quilting burnout? There are so many beautiful ones yet to be made. I wonder if my trouble is I can't see the finish line for my current project. I've learned my driver is to finish something....I figured this quilt, to be a nice queen size, needs over 200 blocks...I've made 32. The end is not in sight. Each block takes a while to make.

I'm looking for advice here......should I start something new that I know I can finish fairly quickly? I do have the fabric and pattern for a twin size, large block quilt for Emma. Maybe I should start it

I've spent a lot of time with my running passion the last few months, but right now I've cooled it a bit trying to get my knee to heal. Maybe now is the time to start something new and exciting......but UFOs drive me crazy, I hate to leave this one. I am a finisher.

Advice, anyone?



  1. Take a break. You will get back to it.

  2. Yes, I've gone through this 'burn out' several times in the 28 or so years that I've been at this. It's perfectly normal. You come back with a new hunger for it.

    But anytime you start a really big, slow project like this one, it is a good thing to have smaller ones to help you get that 'finish' high, I think. Just don't pack this one away and forget it. Do a few stars everytime you work on a new project, and before you know it, you'll finish the big one too !

  3. I agree with Dolly, make a few stars at a time while you are working on other projects. Before you know it, you will have enough blocks for a finish.

  4. Thank you for the encouraging words! I'll do just that, start something new I can finish, add a block here and there. Seriously, I needed to hear your comments. It is good to know others go through this kind of thing occasionally too. Ok, now I am feeling better! Thank you all so much!!
