
Friday, March 7, 2014

Spring is in the air!

Anyone who knows me knows I can be a bit...ahem...obsessive. Whatever my current interest is, that is what I am passionate about. Lately it has been running and more recently, my new granddaughter, Emma. Therefore, there hasn't been much quilting going on around here. However, I did hear the birds singing this morning, which got my spring fever acting up, so I do have a quilt picture to share this morning.

Time to put the spring and summer quilt on the bed! This is one of my favorites. Made from scraps, of course.

The running obsession will taper off after I do my first half marathon on March 30th. My obsession with Emma, will never taper. Love that little girlie so very much! I get to see her again in a few weeks. Maybe after my long run today (10 miles, yikes!) and the weekly grocery shopping and errands, I'll have time this weekend to get back on my wonky star scrap quilt. What are you doing in this tease of spring we are having?


1 comment:

  1. Pretty, springy quilt ! Let's see..... I need to get a couple of birthday gifts packaged and sent off to daughter and grandson in Oklahoma today. I would LOVE to spend some more time in my sewing room this weekend making more wonky's hoping !
