
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Waiting on Emma

I headed to Louisville Friday afternoon because we thought they were going to induce Katie. Her blood pressure has been pretty high. Her due date was on Friday.

...but they ended up sending her home on bed rest, however they did tell her to go have a good meal.... we obliged and had a nice steak dinner. She had to go back to the hospital today for a BP check, and again they sent her home. The plan now is to be induced early Monday morning. Hopefully we will meet little Emma soon.

I was able to get in my long run this morning at the indoor running track. Ten miles doing 4/1 intervals. My farthest distance in my training for the upcoming half marathon. I really like those long runs, they just take so long, 1:52:49.



  1. Good luck on the birth of your precious granddaughter! your life is going to change forever. There is nothing like sweet grandbaby love! I was in Louisville yesterday for the birth of my great-niece.

    Pam near Nashville, TN

  2. Thank you Pamela. I cannot wait!!
