
Monday, December 9, 2013

Refining my 2014 goals

I am still thinking goals, and thought they needed to be more specific.

  • Make 12 quilts Make playground quilt (Camille Roskelley design) for Emma
  • Make Swoon quilt for us (another Camille quilt; already cut out)
  • Make 3-4 Remembrance Quits (ministry to those who have lost loved ones; have three offers outstanding)
  • Read a classic book (not sure which one yet)
  • Attend all book club meetings (read at least 6 of the book club selections)
  • Teach or assist in a new quilting class at church for the quilt ministry
  • Run, and finish, a half marathon (Knoxville Covenant)
  • Run 500 miles (9-10 miles per week)
  • Participate in the winter women's bible study at my church
  • Learn to sew clothes and make a dress for Emma (my new grand baby!)

...and for a little viewing pleasure.....these creatures continue to come through the yard, usually a couple of times a day....


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