
Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013 Year in review

What kind of year did you have in 2013? Are you glad to see it go or reluctant to let it go? Was it a year of trials or abundance? We all need a new start, and God gives us that over and over. His mercies are new every morning.

Looking back, I see a great year in my rear view mirror. I was more productive in my quilting than ever. I started a new hobby that I enjoy very much (running). My husband and I are closer than ever and were able to have a good vacation visiting a couple of national parks. And, the most exciting is that this year I found out I am going to be a grandmother! God is so good to this undeserving sinner.

I made 19 quilts this year. Two for my granddaughter, and gave 12 away as gifts or donations.


I started the couch to 5k and ran four 5k races, one 10k, and am up to seven miles in my training for a half marathon in 2014. I am so thankful that God has given me a body that can run.

We were able to visit Yosemite, Mammoth Lakes, and Sequoia this year on vacation.

...and God has richly blessed me to be a grandmother to Emma Grace, expected to arrive in February 2014.

Of course I've had some disappointments and struggles but I prefer not to dwell on them. I am learning to count my blessings and look at the rest as opportunities to learn. Do I have bad days? Sure. Do I struggle with things in my past? Absolutely. Do I have wrong attitudes, actions, and sin? Yep. A sinner saved by grace. I enjoy God's blessings despite myself. He continues to be faithful. Looking back, it was a very good year. How about you? Was it a good year?


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