
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Putting up corn and other ramblings...

Here is what three dozen ears of corn looks like.....

Four bags with 2-3 ears each and five bags of creamed, seasoned, and cooked corn. Yummy! It didn't take as long to process as I feared -- a little over two hours. Jim helped a bit by shucking about half of it. I plan to get more next Saturday at our local farmers market.

I also did this early this morning...

I read an interesting article this week about how most of the honey we buy in stores really isn't considered true honey because it has been ultra filtered and the pollen has been removed. My bread recipe uses 2/3 cup of honey and I normally make it every 3-4 weeks, so I use a lot. The filtration seems to be for the purpose of preventing tracking the origin of the honey. It said much of America's honey comes from China where it has been known to contain harmful substances like antibiotics and heavy metals. Ok, so I am not sure that I believe all of this, but we did purchase some local honey this week and I do know it tasted so much better than what I had been using. The man at the local restaurant who sold us the honey says he takes a teaspoon a day and has been able to quit taking the Claritin he was on for allergies. I had read where local honey does help with allergens by building up your immunities, although I haven't found any scientific evidence to support this theory. I suppose if you suffered enough from allergies you would be willing to try it, after all it tastes great. I do know I'll be buying local honey for now on.

Now, another topic...

I am a "night" person. Always have been. It is normal for me to be up cleaning the house or sewing at midnight. It comes natural, but I've often wondered if I could train myself to be a "morning" person. I needed to get up early today to pour the alum water off my pickles and go to the farmers market to get corn. I got up at six. The sun wasn't up yet.

I get up very early Monday through Thursday for work, 4:45 am. It doesn't come natural though I can do it. I've trained myself to do that, even still, I have a hard time getting in the bed before 10 pm. I ran four miles last night around 7:30, and it was great, so I was tired last night. I turned the light off at 10. Jim fished a tournament and didn't get home until 3 am, so I woke up then, again at 5 to let the cat out, and then up for good at 6. I got so much done this morning. I think maybe I'm trainable....I'd love to be asleep by 10 and up by 6 every morning.

......but now, I am ready for a nap.....


1 comment:

  1. You come by it naturally. Your DAD was a night person, too.
