
Friday, March 8, 2013

Strawberry Cake

Yum. The sunshine today put me in the mood for spring, so I made this strawberry cake.

It's good. I tested it.

Started week six of my couch to 5k training program. This is the best exercise program, I think I've ever done...not that I've ever really done anything besides walking. I am up to 8 minute runs. I am slow but hopefully after I get so I can run for thirty minutes straight, I can begin to work on my time. I feel like I am already getting the endorphin rush. I feel awesome when I finish.

I am hoping to start a new Remembrance quilt soon for a recent widow. If not, I'll have to get started on a new project. I have some thirties fabric I've never used, and some solid color bricks I'd like to use for a baby quilt. Thinking about trying to make up a few baby quilts for gifts.

Also doing some planning for more house projects. I have a "bucket list" of things I'd like to get done before I retire. My bucket list isn't places or things I want to do before I die, but projects around the house I want to do (and pay for) before my income drops in retirement.


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