
Monday, March 25, 2013


They finally posted the results of my first 5k, the Run for Dunn 2013.

So now I have documented proof that I did it. My official time was a bit better than my RunHelper app time. Guess those few seconds it took to start it and stop it added a little on the app. When I printed the results off, I saw that I was number 57 out of 81 people who participated. Most ran, there were only a few walkers.

I'll be graduating this week from my couch to 5k program, and I still have a several weeks to improve my time before the next 5k I am running. It will be May 4th. After my next two runs I'll be up to 30 minutes straight, then I'll focus on getting faster in those 30 minutes before I move to trying to run 3.1 miles without stopping. I'm guessing I'll need to be able to run at least 35 minutes with no walking.


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