
Friday, November 2, 2012

His Birthday

Today is the hubs birthday. Fifty-nine and he still acts like a big a good way though.

I made him one of his favorites, Texas Hot Cocoa cake. Yummy. His day didn't start off too well because he was scheduled for a CT scan of his heart. We thought he would be sedated and it would take all morning. Nope. About twenty minutes or so and he was finished, with no sedation. Not too long afterwards he went back to work.

And I decided to clean out my spice cabinet. My, oh my, I can't believe all the out of date stuff....

Really nice fall day....enjoying chillin' at home. Birthday dinner tonight. Life is good.


  1. happy birthday to your husband. The cake sounds intriguing, I have never heard of it.

  2. Hi Norma. I've put the recipe for this cake under the recipe side bar. It is rich, but has always been a favorite in our family. You'll have to try it. Hubby says thanks for the birthday wish!
