
Friday, July 20, 2012

Three ways to maintain your weight

Planning a trip to the beach has gotten me thinking about my weight, like I'm sure, for 100% of normal women. I wouldn't call myself slim, however, I have been able to keep my weight at 130 or less for my adult life. Even so, I am about 5 pounds heavier than my pre-hysterectomy weight, and really would like to drop it. Anyway, back to the three ways to maintain your weight....

Weigh Every Day and Record It

Yes, weigh every day, either every morning or every night, and record it. I have a tiny little spiral bound notebook that I keep in my bathroom. I weigh every night and I write it in the book with the date. I've heard that you are not supposed to weigh every day when you are dieting. Not sure I would agree with that, but I do know weighing every day is essential to maintaining your weight. Your weight will fluctuate, but you are keeping yourself educated on how the pounds come on, in itty bitty increments, in time for you to do something about it.


TV is your enemy. Computers and iPads can be to. Don't just sit around, walk, wiggle, stand on one foot while brushing your teeth (great for balance). Walking is really the only exercise I do but I know it has helped me to maintain a normal weight. Walk in your house, yes, around and around, around your kitchen and dining room. I often do that while listening to my iPod.

Eat Chocolate

Yes, eat chocolate. I am a serious chocoholic. If I want chocolate, I will eat chocolate, but I will cut back somewhere else. If I want to indulge in a huge piece of chocolate cake, I will, but I'll really cut back on my serving size on other foods or even try to skip a meal to make up for it.

Now, so I won't be a hypocrite, I need to go walk or move this morning! I've still got that five pounds I want to get off.

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