
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My nemesis


This yarn is my nemesis. Well, actually, it is the knitting project itself. I think I am now working on sheer stubbornness. I screwed it up again, so here I am, one more time, starting over. I will not let this project defeat me! More to come......I know you, my readers, are getting tired of seeing this evil yarn ball.



  1. are you being to hard on yourself with your rug,,,, don't forget that the little things you are seeing,,might not be showing to others who will step on your lovely creation,,,,

  2. When I saw your pic of your ball I thought, "Oh no!". :)

    Maybe you need to give yourself a break from it and try again in a few days. It's hard to not obsess about it , I know from experienc in sewing!

    What exactly is the issue? What are you not happy about the way it's turning out?
