
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ready for Jam Makin'

I received my order of Pectin from Amazon.  Now I am ready to make some low-sugar strawberry jam this year.  Anyone used this before? I am anxious to give it a try.
I am a little nervous about going back to work.  I've been off for four weeks.  I haven't been off this long in almost 27 years!  I still don't have my normal energy.  Thank goodness I get to do half time for a couple of weeks.  I sure hope that eases me back into the 10 hour days. I've enjoyed being off, but would have liked it more if I was able to do all the stuff I'd like to have gotten done - sewing, planting some flowers, and cleaning the garage, the porch, and all the outdoor furniture and cushions.  That will all have to wait, I guess, until I'm back to full strength.

1 comment:

  1. I have used Pomona Pectin and really like it. Now I use it almost exclusively as I prefer to use low sugar recipes. I too was surprised by how low my energy was after my hysterectomy and it took at least 6 months to feel completely myself so give yourself a break.
