
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The last few days

The last few days have certainly been like a roller coaster ride.  I'm not off yet, but hopefully the end is in sight.  All I can say is Praise be to God!  A fairly routine test last Wednesday led to a biopsy.  I got the call on Thursday morning.  The call no one wants to get.  Can you and your husband be in the office in two hours?  Although most of the tissue was normal, there was a small indication of cancer.  A D&C was scheduled for Monday to get more tissue to see where this cancer is originating from.

I prayed, and called out to the Lord.  On Tuesday I got the call that said all the tissue was normal, and there were no abnormal cells in any of it.  The doctors went over it a half a dozen times.  They are baffled.  I told them the Lord had healed me.  I still go to the oncologist tomorrow and will probably have more tests.  I suppose there is a chance that the Lord had them find this so they can find something else in time.....I don't know.  I just know that He is in control, and no matter what the final outcome I will praise his name!

On a lighter note.....
 The turkeys were back today, and Jesse enjoyed watching them.
They really are beautiful creatures.


  1. I'm so glad you got a good report! I didn't know why you hadn't posted in awhile but was beginning ti get concerned. You are so regular about it.

    Does Jesse ever try to chase the turkeys? They are so big and he would be outnumbered if they stood their ground!

  2. I had more biopsies yesterday and they want to make sure my bladder is ok. I will probably still have a hysterectomy, which I am glad. Don't need those parts anymore! Go back next Thursday for the results of yesterday's joyful events. Really, I am still praising the Lord. He is in control of all things. I have put my trust in him. I'll get back to posting pretty soon. In fact, they are trying to get my new cabinets installed in the laundry room as I type. Having a bit of trouble, but soon I hope to post before and after pics.

    No, Jesse doesn't chase the turkeys. One time they surrounded him and it scared him, but he sure does enjoy watching them.
