
Sunday, January 1, 2012


I don't know about you, but even as I age, I want to be stylish.  I am not trying to look younger than my age.  I have a head full of gray hair, and am ok with it. But I do want to look stylish and not really older than I am either.  I struggle with trying to find clothes that are not too young looking, but still with some style.  I was inspired this morning by a 40ish lady with a great sense of style. I decided to cut off a dress.  Boots are in, and shorter dress lengths are popular also.  I am a small person and I think I can pull off the shorter length as long as I wear dark tights.

The dress, before and after. Wow, it looks like I made a shirt out of it, but I am not very tall.

 If you were 53 years old and had gray hair, would you wear this? Do you think it too short for a woman my age?


  1. Since I am a "woman of your age" too, I say go for it! You look great!

  2. I am 50 and I would wear it in a heartbeat. I say go for it and enjoy the look. We all want to look stylish.

  3. Thank you ladies!! I'm going for it!

  4. Definitely looks good on you and not "too young" or too short.

  5. It looks great on you. I wear styles like this and I am 50 with half a head of grey hair.

    I agree with you, us 50ish and upwards, ladies want fashionable, stylish clothes without looking 'mutton dressed as lamb' but I am finding that in the UK at present I can find clothes that fit the bill reasonably easily.

    Well done on the repurposing, It is probably a way I should go as money is tight.
