
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Say YES to the Dress!

My friend's daughter, a senior in high school, put on a fantastic event today in our little town.  She held the first annual "Say YES to the Dress" event.  For weeks now she has been collecting barely used, and in some cases, brand new, prom and special event dresses.  At the beginning she had several beautiful girls put on a fashion show, some with tuxedo'd escorts.  She had collected all kinds of donations from local businesses - signs, balloons, "Say YES to the Dress" T-shirts for the workers, hanging racks, even some great prizes which were drawn at the end of the day.

Each dress got a tag with a number, size, and price.  She had a ledger book all set up with the number, owner, price, and various instructions to her Mother on how to collect the money, and how to mark the ledger to indicate all the particulars. I worked with her mother today at the event.  What made this even more special is that for each sale, 10% of the selling price went to "Hands of Mercy," the local non-profit food pantry.
I am so proud of Allison.  She is a very special young lady and I look forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for her future.

Allison, in the center with the dark jeans, is surrounded by her friends that helped in the event and some of the fashion show models.

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