
Friday, January 27, 2012

My Thermostat

My thermostat isn't working properly.  I am in the throes of menopause.  Five hot flashes in four hours this morning.  My, oh, my. FRUSTRATING.  However, I thought about the good in those.  Yes, there is good in hot flashes.  They are a reminder of the awesome body God gave to us women. They remind me of all the things that ARE working properly in my body. I retrieved a book, I've loved for many years.
My Body
   Thank you, God, for this body. For the things it can feel, the things it can sense, the wondrous things it can do. For its bright vigor at the day's beginning, for the hard sweet satisfaction of it walking, working, playing. For its very weariness at the day's end, and the dear comfort of it sleeping. Sometimes for even its pain - if only to sting me into some new awareness of my own existence upon this earth.
   I look upon it sometimes in reverent amazement - for we are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made.  All its secret silent machinery meshing and churning, all its muscles coordinating, the whole of it so neatly functioning. Lord, don't let me hurt it, scar and spoil it, overindulge it or overdrive it, but don't let me coddle it either. Let me love my body enough to keep it agile and able and well, strong and clean.
   Thank you that I live within this body - the real, eternal forever existing me. That it has been made to serve me so happily, so well, so long. And until the day comes when I'll have no further need of it, let me appreciate it to the fullest and be grateful for it: my body.

as penned by Marjorie Holmes more than 40 years ago.

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