
Friday, September 30, 2011

Trip down Memory Lane

My trip in the country today also took me down memory lane.  This little run down shack is where I lived as a 19 year old newly married girl.  Back then, 33 years ago, it was a cute little box of a house, with a freshly painted exterior, a very neat yard, and a little wooden deck, built around the tree, for a porch.  It was probably less than 400 square feet of living space, but it had all a young couple needed - a tiny bathroom, kitchen, living room, and bedroom.  I don't think anyone has lived there in about 30 years.

I spent many a day in this yard.  We used to put walnuts in the driveway and run over them to hull them.  Then my Mother-in-law would sit on her steps and pick the "goodies" out of the shells. Such a beautiful view.

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