
Saturday, September 3, 2011


It seems hospitality is a lost art.  Why?  Are decorating shows/blogs making us feel like our homes don't measure up?  Are we too busy?  Has my home been "too perfect" and made others feel like they couldn't have a group over at their home?  I hope not.  Truth is, for most of us - working or not, there is no way our home, our food, our kids, can be perfect.  Yet, some of us strive for that. And in doing so, we neglect others - others who don't have family close by - others who don't have close friends - others who are craving some friendships but don't know how to start - younger couples who need mentors.

I am so thankful for those in my past who have opened their home for casual get togethers, drop-ins, and planned church get togethers.  I remember couples that had several group events at their homes.  I was a young married woman who needed that friendship with mature Christians.

I need to do more of this.  We are having our Sunday School class over tonight.  I hope my home isn't too perfect.  Maybe I won't worry about getting the bird poop off the porch.  A sweeping will be good enough.

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