
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Great week

I've had such a great week off.  So many projects done.  Not a ton of quilting, but I did some.  Got my friend's shirt quilt on the frame and am working on it. Just got back from a walk along the lake path. I am going to have to go back to work to get some rest!
My checklist for the week:
Make pillow shams
Clean and organize master closet
Make a run to Goodwill
Organize front bedroom closet
Paint doors to the garage
Paint front door
Spackle columns in dining room
Finsh piecing shirt quilt for my friend
Finish piecing doggie scarf quilt (almost, still have to put the border on)
Powerwash both porches (DH took care of this)
Powerwash wicker furniture on porches (again DH)
Set up painters for bedroom
Order shutters for bedroom
Purchase new lamps/mirror for bedroom
Paint risers for stairs
Get carpet removed and wood on stairs

Stuff I did not get done:
Make hard lotion bars from kit
Make a run of scented laundry detergent

And to my friends who think I am an obsessive energizer bunny:
Relax and read on the porch swing

I also did some things for my mom this week, and some other little projects.  I guess if I retire, I might run out of projects to do at home, then what would I do???   (I know, plant a garden, read more, visit friends more, quilt more, ......naaah, I wouldn't run out of things to do)

It has been a great week.  I am so blessed and thankful.

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