
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Even though it was cold and rainy today, Spring is showing its face!  I planted the tulips in the pot last fall and what a sweet $3 investment that was!  Also, check out Jim's redbud.  So pretty. We hired our neighbor boy to do some work for us in the yard.  I am so pleased with how he cut down the monkey grass that separates the yard from the woods.

Next Project:

I"ve been playing with wood.  Going to get an estimate Friday for taking up the carpet and replacing it with leftover hardwood.  Just have to find the stairnose pieces and get a good carpenter.  Jim won't let me do it, although I told him I thought I could after watching a UTube video on how!  Ha....he didn't buy it. Seriously, I would like to try to do it myself.

1 comment:

  1. Watching the how to video sounds so much like me. I wish we lived near each other and could do all kinds of projects together! Then again maybe it's better we don't. :)

    Your tulips and tree look pretty and springy.
