
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ready to get back to some quilting....

I haven't done much quilting since before we went on our beach vacation.  I am back at work this week but itching to get back to some sewing.  My sweet daughter-in-law coaxed my son out of a box full of out grown shirts.  He is very sentimental and a pack rat, so that was a big feat.  She told him that I would make a quilt out of them, and then he could use it and remember all his favorite shirts! They are mostly stripes and plaids, which I think will make a great "manly" quilt.  I've got to start looking for a pattern because I am so anxious to get started cutting them up!  However, I'll make myself finish the blue and white one first.  I might get that one done this weekend.


  1. Are those shirts that are too big for him now since he lost weight? I know how sentimental he is so a quilt is a good compromise to get rid of them!

    I still have Katie's t-shirts to make a quilt from and I'm intimidated to start on it. I think once I begin I'll be OK but I get too hung up on being a perfectionist instead of just jumping in and doing it.


  2. No, they aren't too big, but too little, too torn, too stained, etc. They go back probably about 5 years. Yes, I think he will be pleased with a quilt out of them. I have the opposite problem - I tend to jump into projects when I am not sure how they will turn out...and instead of being a perfectionist about stuff, I am more likely to just "make something do"....that is why I always say, that mine may not be the best quality, but I can sure do quantity!
