
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cathedral Progress

I spent several hours today putting some more white squares on my cathedral windows quilt.  I have a couple of trips coming up and wanted to take it with me to get some hand work accomplished while on travel and vacation.  Amazing how many hours it takes just to get the white squares on, and that part is done on the machine!

The kids are coming home tonight.  I can't wait to see them!  Katie's parents are also in town visiting her grandma.  Elijah is one of four "preacher boys" preaching tomorrow.  Monday is Elijah's 25th birthday.  He always likes my sweet tea, so I have a pitcher full in the frige and I made a Texas Hot Cocoa cake for him for his birthday.  That was a favorite of his when he was little. I listened to a message today from Ann Graham Lotts, and she talked about how Jesus said that he goes to prepare a place for us.  He knows us as his own and loves us dearly.  She related it to when her kids come home she always has something prepared that she knows they like -- I've prepared sweet tea and chocolate cake. Jesus is preparing a place with many mansions.....

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