
Sunday, February 28, 2010

To cut or not to cut

I am trying to decide whether to cut out a new quilt today or wait and use a pattern I am borrowing from a friend.  Both patterns are similar.  I am going to use Berry Bliss Bali Pop strips.  See how I've started to arrange them? Oh, I do love batiks.  My first quilting retreat is coming up this week!  I hope to get lots done, but my bet is I won't get as much done as I would on a normal weekend.  The reason? - there will be lots of new friends to meet and lots of projects to look at. I won't be able to be my normal compulsive, speed-quilting, finishing-project self. This is a good thing.  I need to expand my quilting hobby to one that includes building friendships with others who are like minded.  I know there is a wonderful community of friendly, caring quilters out there. I am so "not social", but I've made myself get out of my little introverted box in the past and it has always been good for me.  So here goes.

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