
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Frugal Soup

I got this idea from a book I read recently.  You keep a plastic container in the freezer and you accumulate leftovers.  When it is full, you make soup!  Well, so far, so good.  The first time I had leftover chicken fajitas, onions, peppers, white beans, refried beans, lima beans, I can't remember what else.  I added chicken broth to it and it was great soup!  We both loved it.  Today, I had accumulated leftover roast meat, sausage, lima beans, a few white beans, green beans, and baked sweet potatoes. I added beef broth and wallah!  It was good also. If I had to do it again, I might leave out the sausage.  Not that it tasted bad, it was just a bit strange having sausage in soup.  Nonetheless, it was still very tasty. I really love to experiment with food.  Seems you can make soup out of anything!  From my Russian travels, I do remember having all kinds of various soups that I grew to enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. When I first read this, I was like gross, imagining the leftovers we have. Didn't sound too appealing to me. But you made it sound good! HA!!
