
Monday, August 4, 2008

First quilt on machine

Experience is the best teacher. I attempted to machine quilt my copy cat quilt and boy did I mess up. I watched the DVD on how to load the quilt once. The DVD player is downstairs, the machine upstairs. So, I took the instruction manual and attempted it feeling unsure most of the time. There were many things I did wrong and didn't know it. I moved the DVD player up and attached it to my little TV in the quilt studio and watched "loading the quilt" this evening. I feel so much better, I now know why I had puckers in the quilting! I did several things wrong. I had decided it would go anonymously to some charity. Now, when I look at it. It isn't THAT bad. Anyway, I think my next one will go much better. My plan now is to watch the whole DVD at least three times before I do ANYTHING on the machine, and have it on so I can refer to it while I am loading, quilting, or doing anything that is covered in the DVD.

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