
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Quilt of Valor (QOV)

This is a really pretty QOV quilt that will go to a female soldier. Pieced by MJ and sent to me for machine quilting. It is a great organization of quilters who donate their talents to make special gifts for those who put themselves in harms way protecting our freedoms.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Back to sewing

I was able to get some sewing done today after a few weeks off. The two blue and yellow log cabin blocks are for a block drawing with the quilt guild and the other pic shows my progress on the 4-patch fusion quilt I am making.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Not much sewing lately

I haven't done any sewing in about 3 weeks! Elijah and Katie have been home the last two weekends, and today I spent getting ready for a trip I have to make tomorrow. I did get a new little netbook computer so I will be able to keep up emails, the blog, and facebook while I am away. Maybe I can send you pics of where I am going!